A FUE transplant involves taking the patient’s remaining hair and transplanting it to the scalp. The process is repeated until the surgeon determines that enough hair has been removed. The full process can take some time to complete.
With this method, each hair follicle is individually grafted onto the scalp. Follicular unit extraction (FUE) has a shorter recovery time and causes less post-operation discomfort. However, the procedure is typically more costly, takes longer to perform, and can cause more noticeable scarring in the donor area. A hair loss surgeon can determine if this type of transplant is right for your specific hair loss case.
The Canadian Hair Transplant Clinic has been helping people just like you restore their thinning or balding hair and regain the confidence to be bold again in their everyday interactions for over 25 years.
Through our grafting procedures, we’ve removed the insecurity men and women feel and replaced that with a sense of comfort that comes with having a full head of beautiful hair.
Contact us today for more information!
Over 25 years helping clients to discover life again and regain their confidence.
I didn’t go anywhere without my hat. I was self-conscious about meeting women and hanging out with my buddies. Then I said what 30-year old lives like this. That’s when I came to Canadian Hair Transplant Clinic and after hearing stories of other young adults getting hair transplant surgery, I went for it. Best decision of my life.
After my hair transplant surgery, I noticed I was getting more compliments from my girlfriends so I told them what I had done. Many of them revealed concerns about their own hair loss problems and after referring them to Canadian Hair Transplant Clinic.
I had put this off for too long because of the fear of the healing process. What a mistake that was, as I was back on the ice – helmet and everything – after only missing one game. Thanks for all your help, very much appreciated.
Please allow me to properly thank you on behalf of my husband who is happier than ever with the new, younger look. David just simply smiles (big) a lot more now.